Maremani Nature Reserve

Restrictive trophy hunting contributes to conservation work.

At Maremani you will find trophies in the medal class, especially Nyala, Bushbuck, Kudu and Waterbuck (photo).

Well-managed and restrictive trophy hunting provides a contribution to funding the conservation work in the reserve.

Controlled hunting is allowed on the Maremani Nature Reserve. Hunting quotas are based on the results of the aerial census and are aimed at sustainable utilization. The highest ethical standards are also maintained to ensure a fair hunt. Hunting opportunities also serve to create more jobs for locals.

Maremani Nature Reserve is a huge fenced area. The fence around the reserve must both protect the game from the surroundings and – to some extent, the surroundings from the game.

Maremani lacks the big predators – lions! The number of predators cannot keep up with the population of antelopes. Therefore, regulation of the population to a certain level is necessary to maintain a healthy balance in the ecosystem. Well-managed trophy hunting can make a contributions to this management and a substantial economic contribution to the reserve and our conservation work. Hunting also offers a promise of income and employment and meat to local communities.

The trophy hunting at Maremani Nature reserve is managed by Limpopo Safaris. At Maremani you will find trophies in the medal class, especially Nyala, Bushbuck, Kudu and Waterbuck.


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