

    Maremani Nature Reserve

    The Maremani Nature Reserve is a 40,000 ha. area of tropical savannah in northernmost South Africa close to the Limpopo River, and bordering Zimbabwe, that has been developed by the Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation for nature conservation and wildlife protection since 1999. The vision and mission for the Maremani Nature Reserve is the restoration of the natural attributes of the environment to a level...

    Establishing Maremani Nature Reserve

    By Dr. Salomon Joubert.MNR Ecological Adviser – former Director: Kruger National Park. Since the acquisition of the initial properties the history of the MNR has...

    The Nature of Maremani

    “Maremani Nature Reserve has an array of attributes with the potential of uplifting it to one of the foremost large private nature reserves in...

    Community and education

    Community, education and communication. The Maremani Nature Reserve forms an integral part of a much more extensive society and accepts that it has an obligation...

    Rehabilitation and Management, Maremani

    Towards the Rehabilitation and Management of the Maremani Nature Reserve By Dr. Salomon Joubert. The new political dispensation in South Africa, ushered in with the first...

    Wildlife Disease considerations

    By V. DE VOS, Veterinary Ecologist. Introduction Populations of all living organisms may maintain parasitic populations. Older definitions conveyed the idea that a parasite is a...

    The vegetation types and veld condition of Maremani

    By Dr Noel van Rooyen. Summery The aim of this project was to classify, describe and map the vegetation types, assess the veld condition and determine...

    Reptile Survey 2002 & 2010

    By Sean Thomas, Cape Reptile Research and Conservation. Cape Reptile Research and Conservation was employed to conduct a reptile survey at Maremani Nature Reserve, by...

    Land types and dominant soils of Maremani Nature Reserve

    By G. Nel, 2001. Introduction The Maremani Nature Reserve is presently being established and this document is intended as a summary of aspects of the geology...

    Investigating the parasites of black rhinoceros

    By Andrew Stringer, Victoria University og Wellington NZ, & ACE - NMMU Port Elizabeth. Unfortunately, due to poaching, there are no longer rhinos in Maremani...

    Historical geographical distribution of larger mammals in the Messina area

    Introduction By G. Nel. Environmental (biotic and abiotic) as well as anthropological factors determine the presence or absence of a species in a specific area. One...

    Geological inventory of the Maremani Nature Reserve

    By Professor Jay Barton.  Department of Geology, Rand Afrikaans University (RAU). Introduction The Maremani Nature Reserve is presently being established and this document is intended as...

    Ecological management plan for the Maremani Nature Reserve

    By Dr. Salomon Joubert. Introduction In Chapter 1 the broad conservation philosophy adopted for the MNR is given. According to these guidelines the approach towards management...